“You cannot talk about rock in the 1970s without talking about Grand Funk Railroad!”
-David Fricke, Rolling Stone Magazine
Originating from Flint, Michigan in 1969, this top selling American rock group of the 70’s is “COMIN’ TOYOUR TOWN TO HELP YOU PARTY IT DOWN”. Grand Funk Railroad is extremely excited hit theroad once again in 2025. After playing to millions of fans on the band’s tours from 1996 to 2024, GrandFunk’s AMERICAN BAND TOUR will continue to reach both new and long-time fans.
Known as “The American Band”, the high-energy five-piece group will play shows all over the USA thisyear. Grand Funk Railroad includes original founding members Don Brewer (vocals and drums, writer and singer of the multi-million selling hit, We’re an American Band) and bassist Mel Schacher, “The God of Thunder”. Joining Don and Mel are true “All Stars”. Singer Max Carl is a rock veteran from 38 Special. Max penned and sang 38’s biggest hit “Second Chance” and was co-founder of California’s legendary JackMack and the Heart Attack. Don refers to Max as “the best blue-eyed soul singer on the planet. Lead guitarist Mark Chatfield is best known as a founding member of Ohio Rock Legends “THE GODZ” as well as afounding member of Ohio Rock Greats “ROSIE”. Mark also played guitar with Bob Seger’s Silver Bullet Band touring with the Silver Bullet Band over three decades. Keyboardist Tim Cashion has a master’s degreein music from the University of Miami. Affectionately called “Dr. Tim”, his credits include stints with BobSeger and the Silver Bullet Band and English soul man Robert Palmer.
Grand Funk laid the groundwork for such bands as Foreigner, Journey, Van Halen and Bon Jovi with itssignature hard driving sound, soulful vocals, muscular instrumentation and forceful pop melodies. The factthat Grand Funk’s legacy still reigns over the Classic Rock landscape 55 years after its 1969 birth in Flint,Michigan is a testament to the group’s influence and staying power. Mega-hits We’re an American Band, I’mYour Captain/Closer to Home, The Locomotion, and Some Kind of Wonderful still receive continuous airplayon Classic Rock radio. We’re an American Band has received notoriety in recent years being used in movie sound tracks and in television/radio advertising.
The multi-talented band carries on the tradition of Grand Funk hits and creates a new chapter in the legacy of Grand Funk Railroad. GFR drew 25,000 people to their Molson Canal Series Concert outside Buffalo20,000 in Albany, New York, and 20,000 fans to downtown Orlando, Florida. The group’s 2024 WE’RE AN AMERICAN BAND TOUR was a huge success and now, with the group’s AMERICAN BAND TOUR 2025, seasoned Grand Funk lovers and contemporary rock fans discovering the group for the first time will be able to celebrate with GRAND FUNK RAILROAD!